Sunday, May 19, 2013

“Painting vs Photography”

     It is very hard to take photography a serious medium for art because how easy it is to pick up at least for The casual photographer not the hardcore. but at the same time there are a lot of amazing things that can be Created by using photography. I also believe that photography should not be compared to painting because When you paint you have full control of the subject matter, and how you are going to present it or display it. When it comes to photography thee subject matter once is chosen the only control the individual has is the them and the feel of the scene. they have control of the angle and point of view.

   I personally think painting is a better form of art just because the skill and patient one must have to create a Beautiful piece. unlike photography in which with a click of a button an image is created. before the creation Of programs like adobes Photoshop  photography was more legit. but with these new technologies available It requires more knowledge of the program than to actually taking pictures to create art.

   When it comes to painting you must be patient and let the paint dry before proceeding. While you do that You also need to keep the image you want to create in your mind which is a hard thing to do when drawing Anything from memory.

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