Monday, March 4, 2013

blog #4 Greece versus Egypt

   In art 11 we learned a lot about the way the ancient Egyptians way of life. But most importantly we learned a great deal about their art. ranging from sculptures and their architecture. We also learned a lot about the Greeks. Which came after the Egyptians. they advanced in the arts and took it farther than the Egyptians. in class many agreed that the Egyptians had better art. I disagreed I think the Greeks definitively surpassed the Egyptian and had better creations.

   In contrast to the egyptians, the greeks added alot more realistic details to their sculptures. They had a great love for the human anatomy. the egyptians had very stiff sculptures. While the greeks had them leaning and in better poses. The greeks also added alot of details to the faces they smiled and had serious faces. They also greatly enphasised on the anatomy they drew all the muscles in the body with great details.

   The Egyptians stopped once they reached their goal of portraying a human being. the Greeks reach that level also. But they found it quite boring . So they took it further than the Egyptians. They exaggerated features like bigger muscles and gave them extra tone better and more appealing the the average man. This is the main reason why i think the Greeks were better not only they they master the natural portrayal of man. they gave us super natural power and made us god on earth.

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