Friday, March 1, 2013

blog # 3 portrait "drawing1"

   I can not remember the last time i did a still life drawing. it is my favorite type of art because i think it is very hard to hold an image in your mind to then replicate it in your mind. Last time i drew i was in in the high school of art and design in my sophomore year before switching to pursue architecture. Later on to realize that i did not have a passion for it. The main reason i did not have a career in the arts is because i do not see how i can live of it. I love owning art and creating art as a hobby.

   This particular drawing was a bit hard. The most difficult parts were her lips and the shadow on her face. Is was very light and it was hard to draw it out on the paper. Her hair was not a problem because i used a lot of lines light and dark to add volume in places where it was needed. Her lips were hard to draw because they were not too plum. and it was hard to give them a 3 dimensional effect. The best way i went about the shadow over her face was to lightly pass my finger over her face and give her a tan then with my eraser give her the light part where she needed it which was mostly by her left cheek bone. I did not get to go into more details when it came to her torso since i ran out of time. But my main focus was her face. I really enjoyed drawing  my class mate it brought me back into something i enjoyed doing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do you mean "life drawing"? Still life is normally about an image with set-up objects, like apples and oranges on a table. Your drawing looks good!
